Saturday, August 27, 2016

Why Beachbody Isn't Bullshit

I'm a skeptic and a quitter.

The former doesn't bother me as much as the latter. It keeps my expectations low so I don't have to deal with disappointment.

The quitter in me has dropped out of two universities,  hasn't held a job for longer than 18 months until my current one, starts a hobby and promptly loses interest after two weeks, and... well, you get the idea.

So naturally, when I was introduced to Beachbody, I thought it was another one of those ridiculous diet crazes with terrible workouts that would demand more sweat, time, and money than I was willing to sacrifice. I had checked out my brothers "OnDemand" account and couldn't make heads or tails of the programs, so I quickly gave up and moved on.

Then a while later a sponsored ad popped up on my feed about the 21 Day Fix Beachbody program. After a few emails with my new coach, I was buying the full challenge pack (program + Shakeology) and signing up to be a coach myself. I haven't looked back since.

I have my own reasons for joining Beachbody, both as a challenger and as a coach. Those reasons can probably be better outlined in a separate post. Right now I want to focus on a common misconception about Beachbody that people, including the former me, are guilty of having... that Beachbody is bullshit.


1. Programs are based on a lifestyle change - not a quick fix scheme. You have to put in the work to get the body you want. Daily activity is the only way to achieve that... you can't get the benefits of exercise by sitting on your ass. Development of routines that allow for the required daily commitment takes conscious effort and organization, it's not something you can fake or half-ass. The kicker is that with the commitment, you can get legit results in three weeks.

2. Nutrition is a big part of the programs. All of your effort can be easily undone in the kitchen, so nutrition guides are built into a lot of the programs to keep people on track to getting the results that they want. It is also a HUGE wake-up call. I never realized how little protein I ate, the insane amount of carbs I consumed daily, or just the general crapiness of my diet until I completed started following my plan. Side note: It's a lot of food. You don't starve on the plans, you eat a lot of the RIGHT food.

3. Shakeology. Yeah, yeah, yeah.... Forget all of the hype about superfoods and natural weight loss support/appetite suppression/reduced junk food craving, etc,etc,etc.... The label reads like a freaking multivitamin, AND it replaces my breakfast (with some additional ingredients). With my coach discount, I pay $141.50 CAD for a one month supply. Let's say a bottle of multi's will cost my $40/month and a breakfast sandwich + coffee every morning will be $6/day = $180/month. $180 + $40 = $220 spent monthly on a daily caffeine buzz, shitty artery-clogging breakfasts, and pills. I'll save the $78.50/month (minus the $20-$30/month I spend on fruit/PB/almond milk that I add) and stick to my shakes, thanksabunch.

4. Coaches can't "fake it 'til they make it." This is no "get rich quick" scheme. If you aren't genuine in your own transformation and passionate about delivering the message and resources for others to do the same, kindly hop off the bandwagon. 

5. It's not an illegal pyramid scheme. Check out this page to read why it can look that way and why it isn't:
(And if it were an illegal pyramid scheme, it wouldn't be allowed to exist...)

6. You get SUPPORT! Challenge packs come with challenge groups which are hosted by your coach and designed to keep you accountable and offer peer support from others going through the same thing. So many people fail when it comes to trying to develop healthier habits and take care of themselves because they don't have enough supportive people pushing them to succeed and cheering them on. If you feel like you're doing something alone, then no one is going to notice when you skip your workouts for a week and devour that stuffed crust pizza and chase it with a blizzard.
Been there, done that.

7. There is ZERO RISK. Don't like shakeology? Get your money back. Hated your program and/or didn't get the results you wanted? Get your money back. If your life wasn't positively impacted by the product, you aren't going to be out anything because of it.

There are other reasons, but those are the main ones.

Like I said earlier, I have my reasons for joining and my life has improved greatly ever since. I have met some incredible people who also try to kick ass every day. Our lives have improved and millions of other peoples lives have improved thanks to this company.
Isn't that enough?

Saturday, August 20, 2016

Introduction Post

I'm not really sure how to start one of these out, but I'll give it a shot.

I live in a big house with my husband and a plethora of animals. Our personalities are polar opposites, but I think they compliment each other - he is confident, outgoing, and people gravitate towards him. I'm more reserved and observant, so people have a harder time reading me. He is strong and optimistic, and although I admire that about him and strive towards developing those same qualities, I'm the sensitive realist. He is a morning person, I'm a night owl. He enjoys social gatherings, I would rather stay home and watch Netflix. He doesn't mind the clutter that a big pet filled house is bound to have, I am driven halfway to insanity over it. I love experimenting with tastes, food, and flavors, but he likes to stick to what he knows. He finds a hobby and sticks to it, I switch my interests every month.

Writing this out makes us sound like two people who would never get along... let alone get married to one another. I think that the key to our marriage is that we push each other to explore the world outside of our comfort zones. He encourages me to interact and socialize, which I end up enjoying. I ease him into new flavors and recipes that I think he would like. He points out the bright side of a situation, and sometimes I have to remind him to be more practical.

It works for us, and that's what is important.

Us on vacation in Quebec City

We are both hard workers, never having less than two jobs each. He works in the hockey field and as a labourer during the off season. I admire his ability to separate work and home as flawlessly as he does. It's something else I need to work at. I work in the animal health field and not only am I unable to separate the two... I physically bring it home with me. Currently our pet count is at seventeen - seven dogs, eight cats, and two finches. Twelve are our own pets, the other five are temporary residents or permanent foster rescues. 

Week old foster kittens

3-day-old Starlings

Current fosters/temporary residents

Foster puppies from last summer

It's a crazy life, but it keeps me busy. Our jobs can be challenging as well as our lives, so being able to raise well-rounded puppies and kittens for their new homes, nurse sick babies back to health, or provide a home for a terminal pet is not only gratifying and distracting, but it can literally save lives by opening up that spot at a rescue/shelter for another animal.

That's a pretty basic intro, but you will get to know me/us more through future posts :)

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Here we go again...

I have been wanting to start a new blog for a while now. 

I have tried and failed to maintain one at least five times in the past, never really knowing why I felt the need to stop and restart them every couple of years.

Maybe I was trying to be too "likeable" or perhaps I grew tired of turning my entries into work with fancy pictures of my breakfasts and long-ass descriptions of things that even I really didn't care about.

So... now I'm going to just write about whatever I want.

I'm pretty open about my life. I have struggled through some things and have found it difficult to find others to relate to, so I figure it doesn't hurt to share. Being the socially awkward introvert in every room also makes the whole "people" thing tough, but also interesting.

We'll see how long this one sticks for ;)