Saturday, August 20, 2016

Introduction Post

I'm not really sure how to start one of these out, but I'll give it a shot.

I live in a big house with my husband and a plethora of animals. Our personalities are polar opposites, but I think they compliment each other - he is confident, outgoing, and people gravitate towards him. I'm more reserved and observant, so people have a harder time reading me. He is strong and optimistic, and although I admire that about him and strive towards developing those same qualities, I'm the sensitive realist. He is a morning person, I'm a night owl. He enjoys social gatherings, I would rather stay home and watch Netflix. He doesn't mind the clutter that a big pet filled house is bound to have, I am driven halfway to insanity over it. I love experimenting with tastes, food, and flavors, but he likes to stick to what he knows. He finds a hobby and sticks to it, I switch my interests every month.

Writing this out makes us sound like two people who would never get along... let alone get married to one another. I think that the key to our marriage is that we push each other to explore the world outside of our comfort zones. He encourages me to interact and socialize, which I end up enjoying. I ease him into new flavors and recipes that I think he would like. He points out the bright side of a situation, and sometimes I have to remind him to be more practical.

It works for us, and that's what is important.

Us on vacation in Quebec City

We are both hard workers, never having less than two jobs each. He works in the hockey field and as a labourer during the off season. I admire his ability to separate work and home as flawlessly as he does. It's something else I need to work at. I work in the animal health field and not only am I unable to separate the two... I physically bring it home with me. Currently our pet count is at seventeen - seven dogs, eight cats, and two finches. Twelve are our own pets, the other five are temporary residents or permanent foster rescues. 

Week old foster kittens

3-day-old Starlings

Current fosters/temporary residents

Foster puppies from last summer

It's a crazy life, but it keeps me busy. Our jobs can be challenging as well as our lives, so being able to raise well-rounded puppies and kittens for their new homes, nurse sick babies back to health, or provide a home for a terminal pet is not only gratifying and distracting, but it can literally save lives by opening up that spot at a rescue/shelter for another animal.

That's a pretty basic intro, but you will get to know me/us more through future posts :)

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